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Communication Ministry

To invest time to converse with all members of the youth group and keep everyone informed about everything

The communication team is in charge of, as the role title says, all the communication in the youth group. This team has the job of letting every member of the youth group know about every event the youth is doing together, or even just a birthday party someone is having through any type of communication (text, email, call, facebook, etc). This team is also in charge of posting on Facebook about events or other information. The communication team also takes care of the group photos we plan to take every thanksgiving and easter. The communication team is also in charge of reminding people when its their turn to bring snacks for friday nights. This ministry is also to invest time into conversing with every member of the youth group. 

Worship Ministry

Create an environment and opportunity for everyone to encounter God and worship freely. 

The worship team is obviously the team in charge of praise and worship. Some of the members in the worship team would be part of the praise team, playing an instrument or singing. Powerpoints for praise on friday nights will also be made through a rotation and this ministry in charge of making that happens every week. This team will also be posting youtube links of songs on facebook ahead of time so members can listen to them and set lists so members know what songs we're singing for the coming week. They also are in charge of making a place and situation where all of the youth group members can have an intimate time with God and be able to be personal with him. 

1 John 4:19 Ministry

To make everyone feel involved, loved, and a part of this youth group

"We love, because he first loved us" 

The care team is in charge of being the "mom" figure of the youth group. This team has the job of talking to every member just to ask them about their week and make everyone feel important and loved. This year, they want to focus on being intimate with each other and not having the awkward borderline between the old and the young of the youth group. They will be in charge of birthdays, different activities that allows everyone to interact with everyone in the youth group somehow. 


Youth Group
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